May 2022

  • Demonstrations continue in several cities following the Abadan incident

    Demonstrations continue in several cities following the Abadan incident

    The commercial building becomes a massacre of people when profit and wealth become more important than human life. In the construction of this complex, profiteering negligence are crimes. It is a deliberate crime like to fire a missile at a Ukrainian plane few years ago.

  • Fighting for peace; Iranian Communist Parties Against War in Ukraine

    Fighting for peace; Iranian Communist Parties Against War in Ukraine

    As fascism has been a dominant force in Iran since their attack on the 1979 revolution, it has outlawed communist party activities and prevented them from asserting their social existence, but these parties are continuing their resistance through underground battles and international contacts. In this period, the Islamic Republic’s record…

  • Arrests, threats, and police violence inflicted on Iranian teachers on 1 May

    Arrests, threats, and police violence inflicted on Iranian teachers on 1 May

    Teachers’ and workers’ organizations in Iran planned large demonstrations for May. The security police crushed the demonstrations with all their might. On the night of May 1, many teachers were under house arrest in their homes, and dozens were arrested.
