September 2022

  • Mahsa, Hijab and Iran

    Mahsa, Hijab and Iran

    women had fewer opportunities to enter the labor market and their position at production and economy were more restricted. During primitive accumulation, Silvia Federici calls this “the devaluation of women’s work”. Through which Iran’s Islamic capitalism wants to make “motherhood” a major part of a woman’s social responsibilities. Even the…

  • Distress Geography

    Distress Geography

    The result of such a situation is a desperate and naked life. It will be as though you are a prisoner trying to find a place between “humans” and “animals.” It is a situation that is characterized by a decline in morals. You will become a target for all kinds…

  • The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

    The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

    The story contained in the ancient petrous bone is one of continuous movement – ancient people around the world mixing and merging. Physical differences, like skin color or height, are simply the shifting modifications of the human body reacting to different environments. Rather than homo sapiens, a more fitting name…
