
  • Wallet and Gender: Understanding Women’s Economic Marginalization in Iran

    Wallet and Gender: Understanding Women’s Economic Marginalization in Iran

    The Iranian centrist newspaper, Ham Mihan, has highlighted the issue of women’s employment in a recent report. Despite Iran having one of the highest numbers of female university students and graduates in the region, their participation in the labor market and economy remains lower than in most neighboring countries. The…

  • From Faith to Secularism: Shifting Attitudes in Iran

    From Faith to Secularism: Shifting Attitudes in Iran

    A nationwide government survey conducted in the 2024 winter shows a significant shift among Iranians away from the ruling ideology and towards a secular system. According to the national survey “Values and Attitudes of Iranians,” which is classified and has not been made public, an overwhelming majority of participants support…

  • Iranian Women in a Century’s Frame

    Iranian Women in a Century’s Frame

    In the early 20th century, Iran’s neutrality in World War I was undermined as it became a battleground for Russian, British, and Ottoman forces, leading to social upheaval, famine, and epidemics. Post-war, Iranian women began advocating for their rights, exemplified by Sediqeh Dowlatabadi’s magazine “Zaban-e Zanan” and protests by the…

  • Gender Dynamics in Authoritarian Islamic States

    Gender Dynamics in Authoritarian Islamic States

    From “Life as Politics: How Ordinary People Change the Middle East by Asef Bayat.” A book about struggles for social change in the Muslim Middle East, mostly focused on Iran and Egypt but with scattered references to other countries as well. The first edition was written not long before the…

  • How Iran’s Political Prisoners Are Driven to Suicide

    How Iran’s Political Prisoners Are Driven to Suicide

    Dalia Andam, a 15-year-old Kurdish protester from Sanandaj, tragically ended her life after rejoining protests and receiving threats from law enforcement. On November 17, 2022, Dalia was shot with 25 pellets during a protest, further attacked later, and her family avoided hospitals for fear of arrest. She rejoined protests but,…

  • From Iran to Palestine: The Shared Path of Liberation and Feminist Resistance

    From Iran to Palestine:
    The Shared Path of Liberation and Feminist Resistance

    This discussion revolves around the challenges and advancements of the Women, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran, which is resisting oppressive measures by the regime, including gender oppression and increasing death sentences for protesters. The interview introduces a member of the Nasvan Revolutionary Committee, a secret women’s committee formed to address…

  • War on Women: Tracing Nazi Tactics in Tehran’s Streets

    War on Women:
    Tracing Nazi Tactics in Tehran’s Streets

    In an unprecedented regime resistance, Ali Khamenei the leader of Islamic regime in Iran introduced “Political Haram,” linking religious law with politics to fortify the ideological foundation of Iran’s regime. This ideological maneuver targets especially women protesters, expanding the state’s repressive measures. The enforcement integrates religious prohibitions with political suppression,…

  • Voices Unheard: Afghan Women’s Fight Against Marginalization

    Voices Unheard: Afghan Women’s Fight Against Marginalization

    The UN meeting on Afghanistan in Doha coincides with protests by Afghan women against Taliban rule. Parwana Ibrahim Khail, a known journalist and women’s rights activist, shared her experiences of imprisonment and torture under the Taliban, including a stoning sentence for alleged apostasy. Despite international outcry and support for these…

  • Iran: The Colonial Legacy of Women’s Exploitation

    Iran: The Colonial Legacy of Women’s Exploitation

    Iran’s Deputy Minister of Industry announced the closure of 6,900 industrial units, exacerbating unemployment and poverty, with women hit hardest. Official data shows women’s employment decreasing, with informal jobs, accounting for 70% of employment, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and without legal or social protections. The patriarchal and misogynistic culture…

  • Women’s Activism in the Heart of Balochistan

    Women’s Activism in the Heart of Balochistan

    The history of Balochistan is deeply intertwined with the experiences of its women, whose stories of resistance and resilience offer valuable insights into the region’s cultural, social, and political landscape. Baloch women have been pivotal in movements against oppression, mitigating human rights abuses, and challenging authoritarian regimes, particularly in the…

  • Mohammed Ghobadlou; Story of a State Murder

    Mohammed Ghobadlou; Story of a State Murder

    24-year-old Mohammed Ghobadlou was executed in Iran for alleged involvement in protests after Mahsa/Jina Amini’s death. He faced charges of murder and Moharebeh, driving into police and causing death and injuries. His trial lacked proper legal representation, and his execution, the ninth linked to protests, followed dubious judicial processes, sparking…

  • Silent No More: The Roya Heshmati Story

    Silent No More: The Roya Heshmati Story

    Roya Heshmati’s story, an opponent of the compulsory Hijab in Iran, has sparked significant attention on social media. Roya, 33, lives in Tehran but is originally from Sanandaj. On her Facebook, she shared her experience at the District Court of Area 7 on the 13th of Dey. She was there…
