
  • From Harlem to Palestine: Baldwin’s Intersectional Resistance

    From Harlem to Palestine:
    Baldwin’s Intersectional Resistance

    “Of Latitudes Unknown” explores James Baldwin’s intellectual legacy by reevaluating and expanding on existing Baldwin scholarship, introducing new critical perspectives and themes. The book delves into lesser-known aspects of Baldwin’s thought, including his bilingual communications, later interactions with Africa, his engagement with French and Arab media, and his overlooked works…

  • The Challenge of Anti-Fascism in Western Leftist Politics

    The Challenge of Anti-Fascism in Western Leftist Politics

    The left-wing, while diligently opposing fascism domestically by promoting anti-racism, often falters internationally, owing to the intertwining of nationalism and religious fervor. Trotsky’s “uneven and combined development” elucidates this by revealing how variegated political and economic stages breed both progressive and reactionary ideals globally. Additionally, leftist factions in countries like…

  • Racist or far-right and anti-Islam!?

    Racist or far-right and anti-Islam!?

    Mainstream media misrepresents Geert Wilders’ far-right victory in the Netherlands as anti-Islam instead of racist. Rather than promoting a united society, media establishments encourage a fictitious “us versus them” narrative. This narrative benefits liberal-lefts, who ignore authoritarian and ultra right-wing Islamic groups. Meanwhile, right-wing trends in the Middle East exploit…

  • left in Greece and the Crisis of Nice Racism

    left in Greece and the Crisis of Nice Racism

    The return of the Taliban to power in Afghanistan has been a disaster for the country’s people, particularly women. For instance, restrictions on women’s education and work have been imposed, leading to the closure of high schools and universities for women. There have been protests against these restrictions at some…

  • Ankara’s “Hospitality” Strategy: Syrian Refugees in Turkey

    Ankara’s “Hospitality” Strategy: Syrian Refugees in Turkey

    As the upcoming presidential election draws near, political parties are making a variety of promises on how to handle the refugee crisis. Unfortunately, one of the topics dominating election news is the potential deportation of refugees back to their home countries in order to stem the flow of movement across…

  • Refugee Camps in Greece: From Asylum to Imprisonment

    Refugee Camps in Greece: From Asylum to Imprisonment

    The brutal reality of refugee camps in Greece has been exposed by the EODY workers’ union, who have issued a damning statement about the conditions faced by asylum seekers. According to the union, the government is turning Reception and Identification Centers into real prisons, complete with double NATO-style military fencing,…

  • The Intersection of Industrial Power and Immigration Policy

    The Intersection of Industrial Power and Immigration Policy

    In recent years, Greece has seen a reconfiguration of its migrant concentration camps, with new camps being erected on islands and existing camps being converted into “closed controlled centers” surrounded by walls. These military-style camps are part of a broader racist-colonial system operating within Greece and throughout Europe.

  • From Hope to Despair: The Failure of the EU-Turkey Statement

    From Hope to Despair: The Failure of the EU-Turkey Statement

    In 2016, the European Union (EU) and Turkey reached a deal known as the EU-Turkey Statement, aimed at managing the large influx of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe from conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa. Under the agreement, Turkey agreed to take back all refugees and…

  • Greece’s New Immigration Bill: Facilitating Entry, Ignoring Rights

    Greece’s New Immigration Bill: Facilitating Entry, Ignoring Rights

    The new Immigration bill. What a fascinating piece of work. It’s like watching a magician perform a sleight-of-hand trick, distracting us with one hand while the other is doing something entirely different. In this case, the government is proposing to overhaul the legal framework governing immigration in Greece, while simultaneously…

  • Inadequate Care: The Plight of Medical Aid for Refugees in Greece’s Camps

    Inadequate Care: The Plight of Medical Aid for Refugees in Greece’s Camps

    Waris Ali and Tsiona Nzita are two resent examples of individuals who have died in the refugee camps due to lack of access to medical care. The reason for the death of both of them was the long delay in the arrival of the ambulance.

  • Greece: life in the Camps

    Greece: life in the Camps

    In the general view of Greek and EU authorities, controlled close camps or, more specifically on my side, imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too people who are ensconced in refugee management crisis and racism.

  • Να σταματήσουν οι ρατσιστικές επιχειρήσεις-σκούπα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας

    Να σταματήσουν οι ρατσιστικές επιχειρήσεις-σκούπα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας

    Το απόγευμα της 16ης Μαρτίου, μέσω των μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης έμαθα για τις επιχειρήσεις ‘σκούπα’ της αστυνομίας κατά προσφύγων και μεταναστών γύρω από την πλατεία Βικτωρίας, κατά τις οποίες η αστυνομία έλεγχε τους ανθρώπους για χαρτιά. Στην περίπτωση που δεν είχαν έγκυρα έγγραφα, η αστυνομία τους έστελνε σε κέντρο κράτησης.…
