
  • Rima Hassan: The Controversial Advocate of Palestinian Rights in France

    Rima Hassan: The Controversial Advocate of Palestinian Rights in France

    Rima Hassan, a 32-year-old legal scholar and activist, has made history by becoming the first French-Palestinian member of the European parliament. Her party, the left-wing France Unbowed (La France Insoumise, LFI), obtained 9.89 percent of the votes cast on EU elections and is now sending nine MEPs to Brussels. The…

  • Disclose and Divest: UofT Students Support Palestine

    Disclose and Divest: UofT Students Support Palestine

    Students at the University of Toronto have established a tent encampment on their campus advocating for Palestinian rights. They demand transparency in tuition spending to ensure it doesn’t support the Israeli government and ask for divestment from companies that oppress Palestinians. A large march is planned, and external groups are…

  • From Harlem to Palestine: Baldwin’s Intersectional Resistance

    From Harlem to Palestine:
    Baldwin’s Intersectional Resistance

    “Of Latitudes Unknown” explores James Baldwin’s intellectual legacy by reevaluating and expanding on existing Baldwin scholarship, introducing new critical perspectives and themes. The book delves into lesser-known aspects of Baldwin’s thought, including his bilingual communications, later interactions with Africa, his engagement with French and Arab media, and his overlooked works…

  • From Iran to Palestine: The Shared Path of Liberation and Feminist Resistance

    From Iran to Palestine:
    The Shared Path of Liberation and Feminist Resistance

    This discussion revolves around the challenges and advancements of the Women, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran, which is resisting oppressive measures by the regime, including gender oppression and increasing death sentences for protesters. The interview introduces a member of the Nasvan Revolutionary Committee, a secret women’s committee formed to address…

  • The Challenge of Anti-Fascism in Western Leftist Politics

    The Challenge of Anti-Fascism in Western Leftist Politics

    The left-wing, while diligently opposing fascism domestically by promoting anti-racism, often falters internationally, owing to the intertwining of nationalism and religious fervor. Trotsky’s “uneven and combined development” elucidates this by revealing how variegated political and economic stages breed both progressive and reactionary ideals globally. Additionally, leftist factions in countries like…

  • Global Discussion of ‘Shifting and Unprincipled Alliances’

    Global Discussion of
    ‘Shifting and Unprincipled Alliances’

    The global response to the Palestinian solidarity movement, highlighting contradictions and the need for a more principled stance against imperialist influences. It critiques both the US and global left’s past misunderstandings in addressing Palestinian issues, emphasizing the importance of direct action and maintaining fundamental anti-imperialist principles. The piece underscores the…

  • Theology of Terror: How Religion Fuels Genocide in Gaza

    Theology of Terror:
    How Religion Fuels Genocide in Gaza

    When 100 days had passed since Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, Abu Ubaida (Hudhayfah Kahlout), the spokesman for Hamas’s military wing, spoke in a televised message about the reasons for the “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation. One of these reasons was forgotten among the many news reports and…

  • Voices of Dissent: Iranian Leftist Parties Condemn Militarism and Imperialism

    Voices of Dissent: Iranian Leftist Parties Condemn Militarism and Imperialism

    Iranian leftist and communist organizations collectively condemn militarism, asserting the current Iran-Israel conflict benefits only the ruling regimes and imperialistic powers. They urge activism against war and oppression, associating increased hostilities with Iran’s attempts to distract from its domestic issues. Highlighting warmongering policies as a detriment to the Iranian populace…

  • Palestine: Solidarity without Blind Spots

    Palestine: Solidarity without Blind Spots

    Marx’s analysis links primitive accumulation of capital and colonialism as two pillars of capitalist expansion, involving violent expropriation and exploitation tied to colonial ventures. This historical critique aligns with contemporary leftist debates in places like Greece, where the left grapples with anti-imperialist narratives and the ethical implications of alliances and…

  • War; Marxism vs. liberal left!

    War; Marxism vs. liberal left!

    Western reluctance to support Ukraine swiftly, international firms’ vested interests in Russia, and the right-wing’s indifference toward Russia’s expansionism are central themes. Global left-wing politics, accused of siding with Russian imperialism and neglecting issues like migration and the struggles in the Global South, demonstrate intellectual poverty. They overlook major geopolitical…

  • Four Essential Books on Palestine: Navigating Beyond Propaganda

    Four Essential Books on Palestine:
    Navigating Beyond Propaganda

    In the heart of the Middle East lies a land considered holy by millions, yet the battleground for one of the most protracted and complex conflicts in modern history: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This blog post delves into the narratives, pain, and perspectives of both Israelis and Palestinians through the lens…

  • Middle East and The Fate of Populism: Iran, Palestine and Beyond

    Middle East and The Fate of Populism:
    Iran, Palestine and Beyond

    “The Fate of Third Worldism in the Middle East: Palestine, Iran and Beyond” explores the region’s shift from Third Worldism—a revolutionary, anti-imperialist ideology of the 1960s, aimed at universal emancipation—to authoritarian religious governments in the 1980s. Rasmus Christian Elling and Sune Haugbolle’s book discusses how the promising liberation movements in…
