
  • The Challenge of Anti-Fascism in Western Leftist Politics

    The left-wing, while diligently opposing fascism domestically by promoting anti-racism, often falters internationally, owing to the intertwining of nationalism and religious fervor. Trotsky’s “uneven and combined development” elucidates this by revealing how variegated political and economic stages breed both progressive and reactionary ideals globally. Additionally, leftist factions in countries like Greece display contradictions in opposing entities like NATO while overlooking the local benefits thereof, and aligning with questionable regimes, thereby showcasing a struggle to align international solidarity with their national realities. This inconsistency necessitates a deeper, more coherent global Marxist critique to maintain anti-fascist and anti-imperialist principles internationally.

  • Zionism Reexamined: Beyond the Narrative

    The establishment of Israel emerged from British imperial interests in the Middle East, Zionism, and various historical events, rather than being an eternal constant. Zionism began in the late 19th century as a secular movement in Eastern Europe and Russia, advocating for a Jewish nation as a refuge from persecution and anti-Semitism. However, the Jewish community was divided on Zionism; while middle-class Jews were more inclined to embrace it, the Jewish working class, deeply integrated into their local societies and socialist movements, often opposed it. The Zionist leadership was challenged by the socialist Bund, particularly in Jewish areas of Eastern…

  • Political-Islam vs. Palestine: From Ambiguity to Clarity

    The current protests call the nations to a new social contract in the relations between them, which can potentially cause fundamental changes in the policies of the governments. This new contractualism requires governments to force Israel to accept international resolutions through the application of pressure (including the implementation of international laws, economic sanctions, cutting off political relations, etc.) in order to comply with the rights and justice of the Palestinians.

  • Challenging the Discourse of Multipolarity

    Multipolarity is a concept that refers to a world in which there are multiple imperial cores instead of just one dominant power. The US lost its unipolar hegemonic status due to a combination of factors, including the war on terror, allowing other countries like China and Russia to gain prominence. However, it is important to note that these are still imperial cores exerting influence on their surroundings. The idea of multipolarity makes it more difficult to tackle imperialism as these different poles can co-opt resistance and promote imperialism of their own variety. This is often seen in left-wing defenses of…

  • The Middle East: An Epicenter of Arms Trade

    As is to be expected, the arms and oil trades have become the lifeblood of the Middle East, with great powers like the United States, Russia, and China vying for a piece of the pie. Indeed, the lion’s share of arms exports to the region can be attributed to these very countries, their military equipment ranging from small arms to top-of-the-line fighter jets and missile defense systems. In fact, the United States alone accounts for a whopping 50% of all arms exports to the region in 2018.

  • Migration, Capitalism, and Imperialism: The Transnational Vision of C. L. R. James

    C. L. R. James, also known as Cyril Lionel Robert James, was a Trinidadian-British Marxist theorist, historian, and cultural critic who made significant contributions to the study of colonialism, slavery, and the African diaspora. Born in 1901, James spent much of his life traveling and writing, and his ideas have had a lasting impact on the fields of history, sociology, and cultural studies. In this article, we will explore James’s thoughts on migration and its relationship to the broader themes of colonialism and globalization.

  • The Middle East and the Road to Peace

    In the Middle East, progressive political groups, including those on the left, right, seculars and radicals such as communists and anarchists, often face brutal suppression by authoritarian governments. At the same time, Islamist groups in the region also actively oppose and attack these progressive movements, using tactics such as assassination, murder, and forced disappearance.

  • Iran; from Democratic Revolution to Islamist Counterrevolution

    If you are a true internationalist you should support struggles against capitalism and authoritarianism wherever they occur in the world. Maybe you have more leverage to support struggles against your own state, but regardless of that you should do your best at least to speak out against oppression.

  • Afghanistan; the land of conflicts

    chapter one Many sources have been used in writing this article, some of them historically significant. One of these sources is a long analytical article published by a political/labor collective in Iran. Its revolutionary historical and class analysis led me to use it to write this collection of essays. The discussion of recent events in […]