It is easy to understand that the issue of Iran has frustrated many. If Israel launches a military attack on Iran, what will the West do? Will they claim to stand by the people of Iran? Which people? The ones who have been fighting against the ruling fascism for years, demanding peace, democracy, and respect for human rights? Or those hoping for the return of the monarchy, with their eyes set on a military strike from Israel and the United States? Or the ruling minority that has dragged society into ruin with their apocalyptic and warlike ideas? The Islamic Republic is not concerned about war. It’s worried about its own future. The regime is on the brink of collapse, and war guarantees that, at least for a time, the specter of its overthrow will be set aside.

In the absence of an anti-war movement in the West, right-wing governments will continue to support Israel. In a political bankruptcy of the left, they prefer to defend Islamic fascism based on an orientalist perspective, as it costs them nothing and doesn’t involve their nations in military conflict. This behavior, incidentally, continues to push Western societies toward right-wing tendencies, while these politically bankrupt leftists repeat the claim of defending Palestine, though they have neither the power to strike nor take any practical action against their own governments. This is a claim useful only for historical judgment, not for changing history.

Rejecting Israel’s aggression and supporting the right of Palestine to establish an independent state is the most important demand. The diplomatic process for Palestine’s membership in the United Nations must be pursued vigorously. Palestine is now a full member of the UN General Assembly, and if it weren’t for U.S. vetoes in the Security Council, Palestine would have been fully recognized by now. But why hasn’t this happened? What factors are involved, and why?

The issue of endless war is a project of governance through the reproduction of crises, chaos, and oppression, which also has a deep co-existence with the class structure. For this reason, the economic and class dynamics cannot be examined separately from the current war regime: “The close relationship between war and the circuits of capital is nothing new. Modern logistics have a military origin that goes back to colonial efforts and the Atlantic slave trade. However, the hallmark of the current global situation is the increasing fusion of ‘geopolitics’ and ‘geoeconomics,’ amidst the constant construction and reconstruction of spaces for value accumulation and extraction, intersecting with the contested distribution of political power across the planet.”

In war, only grand strategies can be analyzed. It’s enough for a missile to mistakenly hit a hospital, school, or kindergarten a block away from Khamenei’s house instead. Let me assure you, the “human shield” propaganda won’t have any takers. Israel, in no attack, anywhere, needs such military precision. The Iranian people themselves are a key platform for establishing peace, and the fall of the regime accelerates this process. Is the Likud Party in Israel truly in favor of such a thing? That’s why remote warfare, missile strikes, and drone attacks cannot provide sufficient guarantees for Israel, unless they play the card of eliminating Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. That is, through their internal network in the country, they should show such an effective, point-by-point response against the regime’s leadership that it would seem more significant than launching a thousand missiles or military jets.

Thus, war no longer even serves as a soothing or mitigating factor for the crises of today’s capitalist world. In this sense, it reveals the peculiar logic of the periodic conflicts between the Islamic regime and Zionism, which is unprecedented. A Cold War model that guarantees the survival of both sides.

Hamid Pourbehrami’s recreation of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” movement, inspired by Delacroix’s masterpiece from the French Revolution

The people in the West, standing up for Palestine over the past year, are doing something important. It’s true, some of them also hold racist and Orientalist views, supporting Islamic fascism without realizing it. But for us Iranians, the fight against Islamic fascism and the struggle for Palestinian liberation are two separate matters. We are fighting fascism while also seeking freedom for Palestine.

One thing is clear: no state, including the Islamic Republic, can lead this struggle alone. The liberation of Palestine requires global unity, which for many reasons, policies, and strategies, has not yet come to pass. In addition, within Israeli society, the fact that occupation and settlements must come to an end requires the defeat of right-wing too. But, for the Islamic Republic to claim it champions Palestinian liberation is not only a lie, but a thinly veiled pursuit of power by a group of fanatical Islamists pushing their apocalyptic fantasies.

Now, after the Palestinians and the people of Lebanon, it is the people of Iran who face the nightmare of war and greater repression. Those who protest in the West, at the end of the day, sleep peacefully at night. We reject these racist agendas, which have proven that Palestinians, Iranians, and their liberation movements are abandoned in the face of this warmongering savagery.

Still, we hold onto hope for the future and say no to tyranny, colonialism, and war.

Women, Life, Freedom

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2 responses to “Iran on the Brink: War, Fascism, and the West’s Hypocrisy”

  1. Philip Moss

    Hamas and Hezbollah are not liberation fighters in the traditional, liberal sense. They are fighting for a califate, a theocratic state as in Iran, something that is about as far from liberation as it gets. This is a war, ostensibly between Iran and Israel, but actually about vast swathes of North Africa and the formation of a Califate. Thats why you will find very little support for Hamas and Hezbollah mong other Arab states.

  2. Mary Robinson

    ‘Supporting Islamic Fascism without realising it.” They fully realise what theyre supporting when they march around calling for an Intifada and saying Hamas and Hezbollah are great. Who are you kidding? Well i hope the young, free kidz in the West get what they deserve if and when Islamofascists take over.

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