Hello and welcome to my podcast series! Join me every two weeks as we delve into various aspects of global socio-political issues, with the goal of cultivating a more profound comprehension of our world. Together, let us embark on a voyage of critical examination, striving to bring lucidity to the complexities of our collective existence. I encourage you to share this podcast and graciously provide your insights on the topic.

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Rap as Rebellion: Toomaj Salehi’s Battle Against Oppression – The Fire Next Time
- Rap as Rebellion: Toomaj Salehi’s Battle Against Oppression
- Dawn of the Iranian Renaissance: Critiquing the Religion
- Iran 1979: Between Anti-Imperialism and Socialism
- Middle East and The Fate of Populism: Iran, Palestine and Beyond
- Behind the Bravado: The Human Costs of Mitsotakis’ Falsehoods
- Alongside the Refugees: What Happens in Refugee Camps?
- Political-Islam vs. Palestine