
As an amateur photographer, I’m driven by a deep passion for capturing moments that not only tell compelling stories, but also shed light on important issues. Through my lens, I relentlessly strive to document the stunning beauty, captivating complexity, and vibrant diversity of our world and its people.

In this portfolio, you will find a collection of my best photographs that reflect my skills in storytelling, composition, and visual communication as well, showing part of my activities. Photos are accompanied by a brief caption and invites you to engage with the story behind them.



Refugees Struggle

In this remarkable collection, I have meticulously chronicled my encounters in Greece amidst the refugee arena. These captivating pictures exude the unfathomable tribulations and anguish endured by refugees, all caused by the unyielding grip of migration policies. Witness the raw portrayal of human suffering and be confronted with the stark reality we all choose to disregard.

Refugees in the City

In this collection, I have endeavored to delve into the lives of immigrants and refugees in the vibrant city of Athens. Through their unique perspectives, I aim to shed light on the myriad challenges they face on a daily basis. By embracing their experiences, we can gain a profound understanding of their journey and gain a fresh appreciation for the city that has become their new home.


Life in the city

I am an avid city explorer, savoring every stride as I wander through its vibrant streets. Through the lens of my camera, I capture the essence of urban life, freezing moments in time for eternity. Embrace the magic of discovery as I share my unique perspectives from behind the lens.


Voices of Protest

I frequently engage in demonstrations in Athens that are organized by unions and civil society organizations. The following visual narrative aims to portray the essence of protest and activism within the city of Athens.


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My journey in creating this space was deeply inspired by James Baldwin’s powerful work,
“The Fire Next Time”. Like Baldwin, who eloquently addressed themes of identity, race, and the human condition, this blog aims to be a beacon for open, honest, and sometimes uncomfortable discussions on similar issues.

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