
  • Decolonization vs. Social Justice: Key Differences

    Decolonization vs. Social Justice: Key Differences

    Lately, you might have noticed the word “decolonization” popping up in conversations about social justice, education, and even mental health. It’s become a buzzword, a way to signal progressive thinking or a commitment to fairness. But at its core, decolonization isn’t about improvement or reform. It isn’t a metaphor to…

  • Iran: The Construction of a National Identity

    Iran: The Construction of a National Identity

    A critical study of how Iranian nationalism, itself largely influenced by Orientalist scholarship first undertaken by the European Orientalists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, has shaped modern conceptions of Iran and Iranian identity, as well as narratives of Iranian history, leading to the adoption of a broad nationalist construction…

  • Two pictures, Two cities

    Two pictures, Two cities

    The scene is painful, the murderer of the people is dancing. Alongside this horrible image, patriotism and nationalism also has its own manifestation. Where the riot police are happy for Iran while they are shedding Iranian blood on the ground! He is singing the praises of the people, as if…
