
  • Iranian Feminist May Face Death Penalty for Protesting Compulsory Hijab

    Iranian Feminist May Face Death Penalty for Protesting Compulsory Hijab

    Mozhgan Keshavarz, an Iranian feminist, was arrested in early 2019 along with two other women’s rights activists, Munirah Arabshahi and Yasman Ariani (mother and daughter), for protesting against the compulsory hijab. Before their arrest, these three had published a video on social media giving flowers to women in the metro…

  • Iran: A protester was executed

    Iran: A protester was executed

    Five protesters have been sentenced to death in an show-court in Alborz province, which had only three so-called hearings and lasted only six days. Sixteen people were convicted in this show-court, five of whom were sentenced to death, and the remaining eleven were sentenced to long prison terms. Three children…

  • Truck drivers strike in Iran

    Truck drivers strike in Iran

    Simultaneously with the continuation of protests and the continuation of strikes in recent days in some production centers of Iran, some reports indicate the formation of truckers’ strike in some parts of the country. On Sunday, November 27, videos of truck drivers were published in which they announced that they…

  • Ongoing general strikes in Iran

    Ongoing general strikes in Iran

    After the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini by the Moral Police in Tehran, Iran is now entering the third month of nationwide protests. Protests that have been accompanied by widespread strikes and so far more than 50 cities in Iran have experienced it. The strikes were started by shopowners and…

  • Demonstrations continue in several cities following the Abadan incident

    Demonstrations continue in several cities following the Abadan incident

    The commercial building becomes a massacre of people when profit and wealth become more important than human life. In the construction of this complex, profiteering negligence are crimes. It is a deliberate crime like to fire a missile at a Ukrainian plane few years ago.

  • Death wave in Iran

    Death wave in Iran

    After the first emergency vaccination permits for the Corona vaccine were issued worldwide, Iranians started using the hashtag “Buy Vaccine” on social media. However, the speech delivered by the Islamofascism leader, Ali Khamenei, in early January dashed many hopes. In a speech that drew many reactions, he banned the import…
