
  • Taliban, IRI: Two Approaches on Women’s Education Rights

    Iranian parliament members suggest that if the Taliban continues to restrict women’s education, Iran’s universities can assist them. However, they also suggest that the availability of education should be balanced with existing resources and conditions, and private universities could be a viable option for women’s education. In Iran, the government has been promoting the privatization of education for years. While Taliban deny education to women in Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran may permit them to receive study visas and attend private schools and colleges, as long as they can afford it.

  • Ankara’s “Hospitality” Strategy: Syrian Refugees in Turkey

    As the upcoming presidential election draws near, political parties are making a variety of promises on how to handle the refugee crisis. Unfortunately, one of the topics dominating election news is the potential deportation of refugees back to their home countries in order to stem the flow of movement across borders.

  • Refugee Camps in Greece: From Asylum to Imprisonment

    The brutal reality of refugee camps in Greece has been exposed by the EODY workers’ union, who have issued a damning statement about the conditions faced by asylum seekers. According to the union, the government is turning Reception and Identification Centers into real prisons, complete with double NATO-style military fencing, card and fingerprint entry gates, and surveillance systems. Asylum seekers are being forced to live in these structures, with their freedom severely restricted, even though they have committed no crime.

  • The Intersection of Industrial Power and Immigration Policy

    In recent years, Greece has seen a reconfiguration of its migrant concentration camps, with new camps being erected on islands and existing camps being converted into “closed controlled centers” surrounded by walls. These military-style camps are part of a broader racist-colonial system operating within Greece and throughout Europe.

  • Gender Apartheid in Iran: New Bills Against Women

    The head of the Judicial Commission of the Islamic Council of Iran has announced an alarming development: non-compliance with the hijab will soon result in an SMS warning, followed by fines and the blocking of the offender’s national ID card, rendering them unable to access social services until the imposed fine is paid. This plan is being unveiled at a time when reports from Iran indicate that many women have been emboldened to shed the mandatory hijab, particularly following widespread protests.

  • Iran: Fighting for Higher Wages

    Amidst the turmoil of Iran’s economic crisis, the government’s recent move to raise the minimum wage has been met with skepticism by independent labor organizations. As the poverty line in the country reaches nearly 8 million tomans (fluctuating between 150 and 155 euros) per month, and the poverty index surpasses 50%, the minimum wage has been increased to just a little over 5 million tomans (between 100 and 105 euros) per month.

  • From Hope to Despair: The Failure of the EU-Turkey Statement

    In 2016, the European Union (EU) and Turkey reached a deal known as the EU-Turkey Statement, aimed at managing the large influx of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe from conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa. Under the agreement, Turkey agreed to take back all refugees and migrants who arrived in Greece illegally, while the EU pledged to provide Turkey with financial assistance and visa liberalization for Turkish citizens.

  • Greece’s New Immigration Bill: Facilitating Entry, Ignoring Rights

    The new Immigration bill. What a fascinating piece of work. It’s like watching a magician perform a sleight-of-hand trick, distracting us with one hand while the other is doing something entirely different. In this case, the government is proposing to overhaul the legal framework governing immigration in Greece, while simultaneously erecting insurmountable barriers to the protection of the rights of immigrants who have been living in the country for years.

  • Iranian Feminist Network on the Jina Revolution and Beyond

    A global network of feminist collectives and activists, known as “Feminists for Jina,” is amplifying the voice of the ongoing “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî” Revolution in Iran and working to strengthen its transnational elements. The group comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, united in their goal to fight for equality and freedom.

  • Iran: Nationwide protest against Bioterrorist Attacks on schoolgirls

    In a powerful display of collective action, teachers across Iran have taken to the streets to demand the safety and security of female students in their schools. Undeterred by the repressive forces and uniforms of the Islamic Council in Tehran, these educators have rallied in dozens of cities, from Mashhad to Isfahan, to decry the spread of chemical attacks on their students.

  • From Grief to Action: The Call for Change in Greece

    The Greek railway network has been on a countdown towards a serious accident for some time now. The last 15 years have been marked by neglect, with infrastructure and services constantly deteriorating. Projects on the Athens-Thessaloniki axis have been delayed, and contracts were only aimed at patching up the imperfections and poor workmanship of previous ones. The lack of staff has been dramatic, a result of the memoranda that have effectively cut the railway, and it has been clear that a major disaster was waiting to happen.

  • Poisoning, Violence, and Oppression: The Islamic Republic’s War on Women

    The “Women, Life, Freedom” movement, which involved removing the hijab, tearing pictures of Khamenei and Khomeini, and chanting slogans mostly in girls’ schools, has infuriated the regime to such an extent that they have given the green light to use their powers to retaliate against this uprising. This is a longstanding behavior in the history of the Islamic Republic, with examples including serial murders, gang killings, and acid attacks against women in Isfahan. These actions are deeply disturbing and cause terror among the people.