September 2021

  • Women shouldn’t work in fishing, they say!

    Women shouldn’t work in fishing, they say!

    People calls her Khajo; Khadijeh Ghodsinejad, 22 years old, born in Hengam. She is a fisher, like many other women of Hengam, an island known as the fisher-woman and the financial responsible of the family. The story of the fisher-women of the island has been covered by the Iranian media…

  • One Map, Two Geographies

    One Map, Two Geographies

    The Arabic cartographic tradition, which drew upon and transmitted the cartography of Ptolemy, a Greek geographer and astronomer of the second century, projected the spherical world onto a plane, which was then divided into grids. The longitudinal bands were called “climes” and the latitudinal bands, “sections.” The intersection of the…

  • Afghanistan; State-building project in the era of warlords

    Afghanistan; State-building project in the era of warlords

    chapter two The previous section examined the history of land reform in Afghanistan. We will examine the situation in the 1990s in this section. Many sources have been used in writing this article, some of them historically significant. One of these sources is a long analytical article published by a…

  • Iran: Islamization of a post-Islamic society

    Iran: Islamization of a post-Islamic society

    Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been trying to create an Islamic society. Despite the various changes that were made to establish it, the project failed due to its lack of faith.

  • How Ordinary People Change the Middle East?

    How Ordinary People Change the Middle East?

    The book contains some of the best and most realistic analyses and insights into Middle Eastern societies that have been shaped by the author’s years of research, observation, experience, and living in the Middle East.

  • Afghanistan; the land of conflicts

    Afghanistan; the land of conflicts

    chapter one Many sources have been used in writing this article, some of them historically significant. One of these sources is a long analytical article published by a political/labor collective in Iran. Its revolutionary historical and class analysis led me to use it to write this collection of essays. The…
