
  • From Grief to Action: The Call for Change in Greece

    From Grief to Action: The Call for Change in Greece

    The Greek railway network has been on a countdown towards a serious accident for some time now. The last 15 years have been marked by neglect, with infrastructure and services constantly deteriorating. Projects on the Athens-Thessaloniki axis have been delayed, and contracts were only aimed at patching up the imperfections…

  • Renewal of Residence Permits in Greece: Caught in Legal Limbo

    Renewal of Residence Permits in Greece: Caught in Legal Limbo

    A large crowd of beneficiaries of international or subsidiary protection have not been able to renew their residence permits, and are only receiving a 6-month certificate confirming that their renewal is pending. This can cause serious problems in many areas, including employment and insurance. Although they have these certificates, many…

  • Greece’s Pushback Problem: Evidence Mounts as Denials Persist

    Greece’s Pushback Problem:
    Evidence Mounts as Denials Persist

    Greece has been facing accusations of illegal pushbacks of migrants and asylum seekers for several years. However, the country’s Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, recently denied that there is any truth to these claims. Despite this denial, evidence of illegal pushbacks has continued to surface in increasing numbers…

  • Inadequate Care: The Plight of Medical Aid for Refugees in Greece’s Camps

    Inadequate Care: The Plight of Medical Aid for Refugees in Greece’s Camps

    Waris Ali and Tsiona Nzita are two resent examples of individuals who have died in the refugee camps due to lack of access to medical care. The reason for the death of both of them was the long delay in the arrival of the ambulance.

  • The Eleonas’ August!

    The Eleonas’ August!

    At the western edge of Athens, several hundreds of refugees live in the camp of Eleonas. It was planned to be evicted on August 16, 2022, against the residents’ wishes. Over the past few weeks, they have built a strong resistance against racism, physical violence, threats against their children, blackmailing,…

  • Two pictures, Two cities

    Two pictures, Two cities

    The scene is painful, the murderer of the people is dancing. Alongside this horrible image, patriotism and nationalism also has its own manifestation. Where the riot police are happy for Iran while they are shedding Iranian blood on the ground! He is singing the praises of the people, as if…

  • Story of Ben

    Story of Ben

    “It is incorrect”, he tells the police officer, “I am 17, not 20!”. But the officer says, “I will tell you how old are you. nobody is a miner here!” He complains but the officer forcefully knocks on the door and drives them away. Ben says, instead of asking me…

  • Greece: life in the Camps

    Greece: life in the Camps

    In the general view of Greek and EU authorities, controlled close camps or, more specifically on my side, imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too people who are ensconced in refugee management crisis and racism.

  • From Refugees to Clandestines

    From Refugees to Clandestines

    Contemporary refugees in Greece are often viewed in negative and hostile terms. They are seen to represent a burden on the host country, and a particular source of discontent arises when refugees are perceived to have a better life than some of the Greeks themselves. While it is to the…

  • Να σταματήσουν οι ρατσιστικές επιχειρήσεις-σκούπα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας

    Να σταματήσουν οι ρατσιστικές επιχειρήσεις-σκούπα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας

    Το απόγευμα της 16ης Μαρτίου, μέσω των μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης έμαθα για τις επιχειρήσεις ‘σκούπα’ της αστυνομίας κατά προσφύγων και μεταναστών γύρω από την πλατεία Βικτωρίας, κατά τις οποίες η αστυνομία έλεγχε τους ανθρώπους για χαρτιά. Στην περίπτωση που δεν είχαν έγκυρα έγγραφα, η αστυνομία τους έστελνε σε κέντρο κράτησης.…

  • Greece: Racist sweeping operations in the center of Athens

    Greece: Racist sweeping operations in the center of Athens

    On 16 March afternoon, through social media I learned about police sweeping operations against refugees and migrants around Victoria square, in which the police were checking people for papers. If people did not have valid documents, the police send them to a detention center. I went there as a journalist…

  • Racism; Church is one of the main culprits!

    Racism; Church is one of the main culprits!

    white supremacy, beliefs and ideas purporting natural superiority of the lighter-skinned, or “white,” human races over other racial groups. In contemporary usage, the term white supremacist has been used to describe some groups espousing ultra-nationalist, racist, or fascist doctrines. White supremacist groups often have relied on violence to achieve their…
