Distress Geography
The result of such a situation is a desperate and naked life. It will be as though you are a prisoner trying to find a place between “humans” and “animals.” It is a situation that is characterized by a decline in morals. You will become a target for all kinds…
Demonstrations continue in several cities following the Abadan incident
The commercial building becomes a massacre of people when profit and wealth become more important than human life. In the construction of this complex, profiteering negligence are crimes. It is a deliberate crime like to fire a missile at a Ukrainian plane few years ago.
Fighting for peace; Iranian Communist Parties Against War in Ukraine
As fascism has been a dominant force in Iran since their attack on the 1979 revolution, it has outlawed communist party activities and prevented them from asserting their social existence, but these parties are continuing their resistance through underground battles and international contacts. In this period, the Islamic Republic’s record…
Arrests, threats, and police violence inflicted on Iranian teachers on 1 May
Teachers’ and workers’ organizations in Iran planned large demonstrations for May. The security police crushed the demonstrations with all their might. On the night of May 1, many teachers were under house arrest in their homes, and dozens were arrested.
Iranian students for Freedom and Equality
The 4 December 2007 (13 Azar 1386) protest rally to commemorate national Student Day (16 Azar) on the campus of the University of Tehran marked the last public manifestation of the leftist student movement known as Students for Freedom and Equality (aka DAB, acronym for Daneshjuyan-e Azadikhah va Barabaritalab; literally,…
Iran; from Democratic Revolution to Islamist Counterrevolution
If you are a true internationalist you should support struggles against capitalism and authoritarianism wherever they occur in the world. Maybe you have more leverage to support struggles against your own state, but regardless of that you should do your best at least to speak out against oppression.
Racism; Church is one of the main culprits!
white supremacy, beliefs and ideas purporting natural superiority of the lighter-skinned, or “white,” human races over other racial groups. In contemporary usage, the term white supremacist has been used to describe some groups espousing ultra-nationalist, racist, or fascist doctrines. White supremacist groups often have relied on violence to achieve their…
Ignoring “Women’s Life” in the Law
Gender-based violence kills women more than any other danger in the world. Iran is one of the countries where femicides, also known as “family homicides” or “honor killings”, account for a high share of official statistics.
Gender apartheid in the Middle East
While the legal reform of Islamic gender relations is certainly possible and necessary, they will not put an end to the patriarchal regime. From a Marxist-feminist perspective, patriarchy is a social system; it is not a product of misbehavior, misunderstanding, or mis-education, although all of these may be present in…
Woman who has always been a victim of honor killings
Each year, dozens of women are killed by family members in the name of honor, and the Iranian law can not protect women from violence. No exact statistics exist on the number of murders called “Femicide” or “Honor Killing” in Iran, and any published statistics in this regard are either…
Women shouldn’t work in fishing, they say!
People calls her Khajo; Khadijeh Ghodsinejad, 22 years old, born in Hengam. She is a fisher, like many other women of Hengam, an island known as the fisher-woman and the financial responsible of the family. The story of the fisher-women of the island has been covered by the Iranian media…
Iran: Islamization of a post-Islamic society
Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been trying to create an Islamic society. Despite the various changes that were made to establish it, the project failed due to its lack of faith.