
  • Gender apartheid in the Middle East

    While the legal reform of Islamic gender relations is certainly possible and necessary, they will not put an end to the patriarchal regime. From a Marxist-feminist perspective, patriarchy is a social system; it is not a product of misbehavior, misunderstanding, or mis-education, although all of these may be present in individual cases.

  • Woman who has always been a victim of honor killings

    Each year, dozens of women are killed by family members in the name of honor, and the Iranian law can not protect women from violence. No exact statistics exist on the number of murders called “Femicide” or “Honor Killing” in Iran, and any published statistics in this regard are either very old or are based on scattered research, but it is estimated up to 450 cases per year.

  • Women shouldn’t work in fishing, they say!

    People calls her Khajo; Khadijeh Ghodsinejad, 22 years old, born in Hengam. She is a fisher, like many other women of Hengam, an island known as the fisher-woman and the financial responsible of the family. The story of the fisher-women of the island has been covered by the Iranian media for several years and their […]