Siyavash Shahabi

  • Ongoing general strikes in Iran

    After the murder of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini by the Moral Police in Tehran, Iran is now entering the third month of nationwide protests. Protests that have been accompanied by widespread strikes and so far more than 50 cities in Iran have experienced it. The strikes were started by shopowners and small businesses in protest of […]

  • Surviving Tehran: A Labor Camp Story

    The governor of Tehran said last year that 23% of the total population of the outskirts of Iran’s cities are in Tehran. He said that 4.5 million people of Tehran live in dilapidated buildings on the outskirts of the city. At the same time, half a million people of this city live in settlements that are illegal according to the municipality.

  • The uprising in Iran & the struggle against all imperialisms: Woman, Life, Freedom!

    For weeks, Iranian society has been taking to the streets in general revolt, fully aware of the brutality the regime is unleashing on them. We consider it crucial today to give the public stage to the people who are there themselves to convey directly to us the climate and what is happening, breaking the chain of various fake news that find the space to reproduce. For this purpose, four different online publications (Ελευθεριακός τόπος & εκδόσεις Αυτολεξεί, OmniaTv, Elaliberta, Περιοδικό Τέσσερα) join together and proceed to organize the event-discussion: “The uprising in Iran & the struggle against all imperialisms: Woman,…

  • A New Dawn: Iran’s Struggle for Freedom and Equality

    The state murder of a 22-year-old women named Mahsa for inappropriate wearing hijab sparked the a big uprising that now we must call it revolution. A women whose her second name was Zhina, which in kurdish means life. The murder of a “life” has sparked the beginning of a great revolution to end the life of a death-dealing regime, to end the life of the monster of political Islam.

  • Mahsa, Hijab and Iran

    Mahsa, Hijab and Iran

    women had fewer opportunities to enter the labor market and their position at production and economy were more restricted. During primitive accumulation, Silvia Federici calls this “the devaluation of women’s work”. Through which Iran’s Islamic capitalism wants to make “motherhood” a major part of a woman’s social responsibilities. Even the sale of birth control devices was criminalized by law.

  • Distress Geography

    Distress Geography

    The result of such a situation is a desperate and naked life. It will be as though you are a prisoner trying to find a place between “humans” and “animals.” It is a situation that is characterized by a decline in morals. You will become a target for all kinds of attacks, a miserable entity that begs for basic needs, just a number throughout all levels of government.

  • The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move

    The story contained in the ancient petrous bone is one of continuous movement – ancient people around the world mixing and merging. Physical differences, like skin color or height, are simply the shifting modifications of the human body reacting to different environments. Rather than homo sapiens, a more fitting name for us would be homo migratio.

  • Let Iraq speak for itself

    The government that was assembled in Iraq was formed based on a temporary compromise and balance between Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite forces. The Patriotic Union, Hizb al-Dawa and the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution, whose leaders have divided the presidency, prime ministership, parliament presidency, vice president and other high government officials among themselves, are all armed forces, and along with the US forces, they are involved in the killing of people and They have directly played a role in creating the chaotic conditions that have engulfed all of Iraq.

  • Story of Ben

    Story of Ben

    “It is incorrect”, he tells the police officer, “I am 17, not 20!”. But the officer says, “I will tell you how old are you. nobody is a miner here!” He complains but the officer forcefully knocks on the door and drives them away. Ben says, instead of asking me “what my problem is?”, “what do I want?” and “why I’m here?”, they just want to prove how old I am!

  • Smuggling as a Collective Enterprise

    Bringing migrants to the Ethiopia-Djibouti border is not a simple task as there are several checkpoints along this migration route. Smugglers carefully work with different actors. They may secure support from border agents at various checkpoints, or they may use diverse transport strategies. Smugglers often transport migrants during the night, and they do not always take their clients by themselves, but instead use a variety of methods, depending on the context.

  • Greece: life in the Camps

    In the general view of Greek and EU authorities, controlled close camps or, more specifically on my side, imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too people who are ensconced in refugee management crisis and racism.

  • When human became God!

    These huge scientific and technological developments are not only the beginning of a new industrial revolution, which is also a philosophical-political revolution. As humans have been producing life and looking towards the beginning of the universe, religions and nationalism, this diseases and pandemics in the past few thousand years, and especially our current scourge, should be greatly weakened. It is important to harm superstition and ignorance in general to make our class aware of their power and take it seriously.